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Hi dolls! Welcome to my blog, my name is Katie & I love to read! Here you'll mainly find lots of book reviews & suggestions! Along with makeup tips, fashion finds, & a passion for photography & home décor!



Thursday, December 22, 2011


Ok so I know in my previous blog I said I'd update later & I had good intentions until I went to get on my laptop & our wireless Internet was out! Turns out I had to call our cable company to replace our router.. Something about a bad port, don't ask me I barely understand how to reset the thing! So that was replaced today! But before then we had a play date with my sister & her kids & my friend Scarlett & her little boy Mason at the inflatable fun factory! The kids had a blast for 3 hours! While us girls had some much needed adult interaction! Well I just wanted to post a quick update but I will blog tomorrow about the cupcake experience with my sister from last weekend & also post about the festivities to come this weekend!

P.S. Christmas is in 3 days!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Can You Catch Time?

Because I certainly can't! It always seems to get away from me! I wanted to update yesterday but never found the time to get around to it.. I think I'm going to have to put aside an hour to blog & take it seriously! And of course now that I want to write I can't because my Internet is down so the app on my phone will have to do until my provider opens & I can call but for now a glimpse of what's to come!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Joy Of Motherhood

Motherhood is definitely the most fulfilling and challenging experience in a woman's life, it's the toughest but the most rewarding job. It's insane to think my baby is 5 years old which I guess doesn't make him a baby anymore, at least according to him. I thought the terrible two's or three's were bad, that's nothing compared to the attitude a 5 year old can posses. As a kid myself I admit I was full of attitude. Whenever I was giving my mom a hard time she always said 'when you get older and have a kid I hope they are just like you' and boy was she spot on. Don't get me wrong Holden is awesome. He's actually a really good kid & I'm lucky to have had a fairly easy time raising him. He's now able to understand sarcasm & has a tone to his voice if something doesn't go his way. Half the time it's hilarious to me and I want to laugh. There are times when he tries to be witty and makes no sense what so ever. The other day when I told him we were going to see Santa this weekend he was so excited but then got really serious and asked 'how long do I get to see Santa?' I explained to him you get to tell him about something you want and you get a picture with him. He tried telling me that simply would not do, he said 'mom I need like 20 minutes to talk to him.' And when I laughed he got a little mad at me. I told him we could write Santa a letter telling him everything he wanted to say, but he wasn't having any part of that then asked if we could just call him. I had to explain that Santa is so busy and wouldn't be home because he's working and he challenged me again asking why we couldn't just call his iPhone... As you can probably tell I'm trying not to laugh this entire conversation but it's just so darn cute. After getting through all of that I finally convinced him it would be fun to write a letter and draw some pictures. I love the way a 5 year old mind works.

Holden @ the Shedd in Chicago

Holden & my niece Trinity

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kind of Obsessed

Oooh Spooky! Scary! One of my new favorite shows is on tonight, American Horror Story. In case you've been living under a rock it's a new controversial thriller on FX. American Horror Story revolves around the Harmon's, a family of three who moved from Boston to Los Angeles as a means to reconcile past anguish but little do they know the new fabulous house they just bought is haunted & not just by one ghost but several. It's from the creators of Nip/Tuck & Glee. It just keeps getting crazier & crazier! I never see what's coming, they always keep you guessing! I'm looking forward to tonight's episode... The birth... Do you watch the show? What do you think is going to happen??

Christmas Time Is Here!

Happiness & Cheer! That's right a post dedicated all for Christmas! It's probably my most favorite holiday to decorate for. I love going all out & too much is never enough. This year is a bit different though. With my hubby working out of town it's given a whole new meaning to the song 'I'll Be Home For Christmas' He's coming in the day before Christmas Eve so that means it's just been Holden & I doing all of the holiday activities. I didn't go to the lighting extreme that Ed usually does for our outside lights but with my parents help (thanks mom & dad!) we got some put up. I did however deck out the entire inside of my house!

Love the soft glow of our tree

 Were gonna do our Christmas cards in the next day or two. Usually it's a themed family picture but this year it's just going to be Holden & Tootsie. I can't wait to order the cards, I already have one picked out! Not many people send out Christmas cards, it seems like every year we get less than the previous year. With the price of stamps rising I can see why. I've got a family holiday party this Saturday I need to bake for. Thank goodness for Pinterest! I'm going to attempt to make a treat or two, I'll let you know how that goes!


Photographer... I'd like to think so!

Alright, so maybe not professionally but amateur possibly! Anyone who knows me knows I love to take pictures. According to my husband maybe a little too much! But I love capturing moments! I'm one of those people who will pull over to the side of the road if I see something picture worthy. I really do have a passion for it. I'm ashamed to say I don't know much about it other than I like what I see & can mess around a little bit with a camera. I'm looking forward to taking a photography class when I start school. The hipstamatic app on my iPhone has become my new best friend and has made me fall madly in love with wanting to learn more about photography. My husband actually owns a hipstamtic camera & I'd love to see about finding someone who can fix it! I thought I might post a few of my favorite shots I've taken with the app on here for you to see and or judge (ha!)
This is one of my absolute favorites & first picture to be taken with the app a couple years ago. It's of our dogwood tree in our front yard.

I adore that one of Holden smelling the roses. It's so sweet.

The two up above are from our recent trip to Chicago (my favorite city)

Remember When...

Stomping around NYC this week. Funny how life got so busy... I remember the days when I lived here with nothing to do but take my journal to a cafe and sit and stare and write and daydream. This was before electronics took over our world. This was when cell phones made and received calls and nothing else. There was no texting, blogging or checking email away from home. There were no smartphones or ipads. My laptop was about 7lbs and typing my thoughts on a lit-up screen felt like such a betrayal to the art of writing that I would wear out my right hand by long hand-ing it for hours at my favorite little spots in the city, most of which have long since been replaced by a Kinkos or Cosi's.

Somewhere along the way I stopped journaling. I used to write songs almost daily, but I lost track of that too, somehow. Instead, I check my twitter account and catch up on my netflix queue and, if all else fails, play FlightControl on my iPad (which, I'm sorry, still sounds like a maxi pad to me and I really think they should have given more consideration to naming this thing...iTab?)

Anyway, I had a great dinner with friends this evening at a NY fav (Sfolgia on 92nd & Lex) and it made me miss the days when it was rude to have your cell phone out at a social gathering. Like, how about we just look each other in the face for a few hours and drink wine and laugh and let the people who text us just wait a minute!? Right?

Well, here I am, typing all this for my blog on my computer at quarter past midnight in a hotel room with the TV on. I've somehow become a product of my generation in many ways. Does is help that I still watch I Love Lucy & Bonanza over breakfast in the mornings? Does it help that I still write actual letters to people? I sometimes I think my kid will be the only one in her school who knows the names Doris Day and Cary Grant.
What can we do? How can we fight against the mindlessness of GenerationME and encourage kids to get off their computers and kindles and read a book, read a book, read a motherf&*ckin' book!?

I got this blog from Bethany Joy Galeotti, who you should check out! She's amazing! http://www.bjgofficial.com/ But I completely agree with everything she wrote. Even as I sit here and type up my new blog I myself have fallen into the world of technology head first. It makes me think & I'm going to make it a point to write in my journal more. I have tons of notebooks from my younger days & love looking back at them. I want to be able to have ones from my 20's as well! Inspired! :)

Nerdy Teenager At Heart

The title of this entry pretty much sums it up. I admit it, I mainly read books from the Young Adult section. I love fiction, I like that a book can make you use your imagination to create a whole other world filled with different places & people. A book that pushes beyond reality & makes you believe in something so different from anything you've ever known. Don't get me wrong I like non-fiction as well. Reading about history or someones life from their point of view is fantastic. Anything to expand the mind & enrich knowledge is amazing. I'm a huge sap for a good love story. Weather it's a movie or a book I've always loved a romantic story. On the total opposite scale of romance I also love a good mystery/thriller. Mix that all together for a suspenseful romance & that's my perfect book. I've found myself getting sucked into the world of the supernatural/paranormal. For some reason the classic girl falls for the mysterious boy who might kill her never gets old to me. One of my favorite series right now are the Touch Series by Laurie Stolarz. The first book in the series is Deadly Little Secret. It's got such an unexpected twist along with all the mystery that just keeps throwing you through loops. I've read 3 out of the 4 books & can't wait to read the next that I'm hoping I get for Christmas! What was the last book you read that you couldn't put down?
Speaking of Christmas I can't believe it's 11 days away! How insane is that? Is everyone ready? I usually am done with everything by now but with my husband working out of town & me doing all the shopping & wrapping & decorating I'm a bit behind on the wrapping part of it all along with a couple of last minute things I'll need to pick up. My sister & I are taking our kids to see Santa this weekend. Holden did really well last year so I'm not expecting the dreaded Christmas picture. My niece & nephew on the other hand I'm not too sure about... I'll have to post pics of that event for sure!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My First Blog!

Hello Dolls! I have been sitting here for the past twenty minutes staring at the blinking cursor asking myself what to write about? Normally it isn't hard for me to write in my journal at all but I am new to blogging & have no idea where to start. I guess there's no time like the present so I'll start there. I have been with my husband Eddy for 9 years now, married 5 1/2. We have a gorgeous little boy Holden Edward who is 5 & I'm sure you'll be hearing tons about. And of course what little family wouldn't be complete without a dog? We have a little six pound shihtzu/pomeranian mix named Tootsie.Well now that you know a little bit about my family life I'll start writing about where I am at today. Currently I am sitting on my couch with Holden watching Cars 2 for the third time today. He's lucky I actually enjoy this movie otherwise I would probably be pulling out my hair like I do when we have to watch something I don't care for. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 4 months due to health reasons & to my surprise I love it. I'll admit I've been going a little crazy as of late so I'm thinking about getting a part time job or going back to school. Don't get me wrong I adore staying home with Holden but I feel like I need to do something & be apart of society now that I've been able to get my health under control. I've been thinking since I love to read that I'd apply for a position at the library. That's a nice calm environment.
Ok enough about my current situation, I've been trying to think of what I mainly want this blog to be for & I can't settle on any one thing. I have a huge passion for the arts & media. I love to write reviews on books, movies, fashion, makeup, & the media. I will also be writing on family life & being a young mom. I'd love for this blog to be like a night out at dinner with good people! All giving their input & advice! I'm going to post a book review tomorrow or well later today so look for that! If I haven't bored you yet & you're still reading, thanks for stopping by! If you decide to follow I'd like to know about you so leave me a comment telling me a bit about yourself!