About Me

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Hi dolls! Welcome to my blog, my name is Katie & I love to read! Here you'll mainly find lots of book reviews & suggestions! Along with makeup tips, fashion finds, & a passion for photography & home décor!



Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My First Blog!

Hello Dolls! I have been sitting here for the past twenty minutes staring at the blinking cursor asking myself what to write about? Normally it isn't hard for me to write in my journal at all but I am new to blogging & have no idea where to start. I guess there's no time like the present so I'll start there. I have been with my husband Eddy for 9 years now, married 5 1/2. We have a gorgeous little boy Holden Edward who is 5 & I'm sure you'll be hearing tons about. And of course what little family wouldn't be complete without a dog? We have a little six pound shihtzu/pomeranian mix named Tootsie.Well now that you know a little bit about my family life I'll start writing about where I am at today. Currently I am sitting on my couch with Holden watching Cars 2 for the third time today. He's lucky I actually enjoy this movie otherwise I would probably be pulling out my hair like I do when we have to watch something I don't care for. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 4 months due to health reasons & to my surprise I love it. I'll admit I've been going a little crazy as of late so I'm thinking about getting a part time job or going back to school. Don't get me wrong I adore staying home with Holden but I feel like I need to do something & be apart of society now that I've been able to get my health under control. I've been thinking since I love to read that I'd apply for a position at the library. That's a nice calm environment.
Ok enough about my current situation, I've been trying to think of what I mainly want this blog to be for & I can't settle on any one thing. I have a huge passion for the arts & media. I love to write reviews on books, movies, fashion, makeup, & the media. I will also be writing on family life & being a young mom. I'd love for this blog to be like a night out at dinner with good people! All giving their input & advice! I'm going to post a book review tomorrow or well later today so look for that! If I haven't bored you yet & you're still reading, thanks for stopping by! If you decide to follow I'd like to know about you so leave me a comment telling me a bit about yourself!

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