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Hi dolls! Welcome to my blog, my name is Katie & I love to read! Here you'll mainly find lots of book reviews & suggestions! Along with makeup tips, fashion finds, & a passion for photography & home décor!



Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thank You

So a few weeks ago our dog Tootise got really sick. A couple of days before New Years we took her into the emergency vet for the very first time and were told she had an upset belly and a small chance of pancrentitis. The vet said she had recently thrown up and with Christmas just being days before we did give her new treats. He gave us meds for an upset belly and we went on our way. But on New Years I knew something was wrong, she wasn't getting better. So I took her into another vet that happened to be open and they ran blood tests and diagnosed her with pancreatitis. Sure I was upset thinking I should have had them test her the first time but thought ok well now we know what's wrong lets get her to feeling better. Our vet called when they saw that we had taken her elsewhere because they were closed and offered to do a free exam for a checkup. It seemed like one day she started feeling better and then next it was back to shaking and not feeling well again. So our vet said they needed to do an ultrasound, which is where we found out that she had pyometra (an infection that can happen in unsprayed female dogs to the uterus) and fatal. My vet didn't even understand how they came to the conclusion of pancreatitis after looking at all the testing she had done. Which of course made me furious but that wasn't important at the time. He then dropped a bomb on us that her surgery would be $1,800-$2,100... We couldn't believe it. We applied for the care credit our vet offered and didn't qualify. The best my vet would work out with us was to pay half up front. Even then we knew we didn't have $900 laying around & to make things worse since she had been suffering from this for quite a few days now we knew we didn't have much time to figure out something. We got so many suggestions & advice it was overwhelming. My husbands boss had referred us to his vet about an hour away and he agreed to do the surgery for a third of the cost and got her in the very next morning. We were flat broke from having spent several hundred dollars for wrong diagnosis and I was worried how we would manage this. Thanks to my wonderful mother she started a donation page. I can not express the thanks I feel to each and everyone of you who donated. Tootsie is our very first baby, my husband got her for me for my 19th birthday when she was just 6 weeks old. She is our one and only fur baby & we are so blessed  to be able to have many more years with her. I appreciate all of the support from all of my friends, family, coworkers & complete strangers. Words can not express how touched we are, we are truly blessed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Toots has fully recovered & is back to being her sweet & playful self!
P.S. If you'd like to support a good cause and someone truly wonderful, then please visit my moms facebook page for feral cats. She not only volunteers/fosters for Another Chance For Animals she takes in neighborhood feral cats & has them fixed & cares for them.

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